Brown women smiling wiht laptop

Computers and digital literacy are two of the most important skills a person can have in today’s world.

Computers are everywhere, and they play an increasingly important role in our lives. They are used in schools, businesses, and homes. We use them to communicate with friends and family, to do our jobs, and to access information.

Digital literacy is the ability to use computers and other digital devices effectively. It includes the ability to use technology safely and responsibly, as well as the ability to find, evaluate, and use information online.

Digital literacy is important for everyone, especially students. With the help of computers, students can access a wealth of information and resources. They can also use computers to create and share their own work with the world.

However, not everyone has the same level of digital literacy. Some people are more comfortable using computers than others. And some people may not have access to computers at all.

That’s why it’s important to continue to develop our digital literacy skills. By doing so, we can help close the digital divide and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the power of computers.



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